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#8 Aromatherapy

describes itself as "The specialist in Candle Renaissance". 店裡除了蠟燭,還有琳瑯滿目的各種相關產品,從燭台、燈油,乃至染料,高高低低的堆在一起,教人眼花撩亂。不過,最吸引我的,還是木頭櫃子裡那些五顏六色的芳香小蠟燭。仔細看,每一格上頭都標著可愛的名字。比方說,"Mid Summer Night"、"Summertime on a Hill",是不是很浪漫?
精挑細選買回來的這些蠟燭,自然是捨不得用的-- 直到某個停電的夜裡。
SilverMoon 28/10/2000
describes itself as "The specialist in Candle Renaissance". A superb variety of candles and related products guarantees happy shopping for candle-lovers like me. The scented candles in natural colours are still the most popular of all. There you seem always able to find something special & delightful, and, if you care to read the labels, you may as well be amused by the names given specifically
to the scents--
"Mid Summer Night", "Summertime on a Hill"... romantic, aren't they? Why not bring back some for yourself, light them up, and let the enchanting fragrances take you to a walk in the fine English garden.